If you own a home, you likely know that having home insurance is essential. What you may not know, however, is that it’s also essential to have flood insurance. When you have one but not the other, you could be in a lot of trouble if there is a damaging incident. If you have home insurance but have skipped the flood insurance policy, it’s time to get one. Call us at SWH Insurance Agency LLC in Fort Worth.
Understanding Home Insurance and Flood Coverage
When you get your home insurance policy, it protects your home against various damaging incidents. From many disasters to accidents, calamities, and other incidents, you can be well-covered with one of these policies. The problem is that these policies don’t protect you against flooding. When there is a flood, home insurance won’t pay anything toward the massive damage that the water can cause. A serious flood can even lead to the need to rebuild all or part of a home. This is why it’s so vital to have flood insurance in addition to your home policy. Never go without it.
The Role of Flooding and Flood Insurance
Flood insurance is backed by the National Flood Insurance Program, guaranteeing available funding after a flood. This program is government-backed and will be there in the event of a flood. Even if you don’t live in a flood zone, these policies are needed. If your home is in a flood zone, these policies are generally required for you to have. But even if it isn’t, there are countless floods that happen outside these zones. Virtually any area can flood.
Secure Your Flood Insurance with SWH Insurance Agency LLC
If you haven’t gotten your flood policy yet, don’t wait. To get started with a policy to protect yourself, call us at SWH Insurance Agency LLC in Fort Worth.