If you want to operate your vehicle legally in Texas, you must invest in car insurance. Purchasing car insurance isn’t only about compliance but also cushions you financially when accidents happen. Unfortunately, you will still find motorists driving on Whitesboro, TX roads without car insurance. Here are the consequences of driving without car insurance, as highlighted by SWH Insurance Agency LLC.
4 Consequences of Driving Without Auto Insurance
Fines and penalties
If you are caught without car insurance, you can face numerous fines and penalties. First-time offenders could be fined between $170 and $350. Penalties for repeat offenders are even higher. Besides, you could face license suspension, vehicle impoundment, and other penalties for driving without valid car insurance.
Higher insurance premiums
Motorists driving without auto insurance are considered high-risk drivers by insurance, and they could pay higher premiums. More, these drivers may be required to purchase SR-22 as proof of financial responsibility.
Pays for liability costs
Despite how careful you are on the road, you can’t predict when an accident is going to happen. If you are at fault for an accident, you are responsible for the bodily injuries and property damage you cause to other people. If you don’t have valid car insurance, you will have to pay for these costs from your pocket, putting your assets and savings at stake.
Uncovered own losses
Driving without car insurance means you have to be prepared to cater for your injuries and car damage when accidents happen. When you have insurance, the insurer compensates you for the damage or loss when something happens to your car. However, if you don’t have insurance, you have to use your savings to manage the loss. Is it really worth it?
Purchase car insurance today in Whitesboro, TX
Never think about driving without car insurance. The consequences are dire. Instead, purchase an affordable policy from SWH Insurance Agency LLC – we are here to assist you.